Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Every trial a missionary faces is for other people...

MY planner for this transfer

hey Momma (anytime my kids start like that I know something is wrong)

Hey mom. This week has been really rough I can't lie. But I can share with you that every trial a missionary faces is for other people. Acts Chapter 16 Paul was beat and thrown into prison just so that he could teach the Prison guard the Gospel and Baptize his family. " The worth of souls is great in the sight of God" I have learned that this week. I am exhausted. I am pushing through it though. One thing I learned before the mission is that through the greatest afflictions the greatest opportunities for sharing the Gospel are found. In D&C it talks about the people who won't bear chastisement well will not be counted worthy to stand in the last day. I love you momma a lot. This week the thought of returning home dishonorably kept me going if I am going to be honest. We are told to write home only about good things but really I could use all the Love I can get right now... Love you 

Us in a RUTA... It's a mini taxi that is a 1990s toyota that dominicans manage to squeeze 6 people into not including the driver lol

Update on Tono and the guy from the bar

Tono is doing ok.. we are getting him to try and keep commitments but the guy from the bar "Chicho" is doing fantastic!  His real name is Jose but every one calls him Chicho lol ...He is drinking less!

I told Elder Hefner Jonathan Serrano from OCSA was reading his blog
That is awesome! Johnathan is an OLD friend. We were in OCSA together since 6th grade. I have known him since I was 10 lol He is a great guy I love him like a brother.

Spiritual Experience and Message to ALL Fathers

I had the opportunity to help a young man who is preparing to serve. We walked up to his house ( we felt we needed to go there) at 9 at night and we saw him leaving with two very QUESTIONABLE looking girls. We reminded him he was coming out on Sunday with us and helped him from making a wrong decision that night. Also right after we got to go to the patriarchs home. He lives 5 mins from us. We went and he was finally there. Let me tell you, when I walked in it was like I walked into the Temple. The Spirit hit me like a wall. I thanked him for his home and then testified that A home can be like a piece of Heaven here on earth because his truly was... I believe that every home can be this way. Fathers, YOU are the spiritual head of the house. Your actions and faith affect the entire household. If your actions aren't inline with the example of the Savior, your house is just another average house where the Spirit isn't invited to be 24_7...

I told Elder Hefner about Madsen Senden's missionary call to Panama City, Panama
THAT'S AMAZING!!! But I won't be able to speak to him when he gets back... I will be speaking Dominican not Spanish..> BIG DIFFERENCE! 

We can see the hand of the Lord on the pictures Elder Hefner chose for his planner. We can see him pleading Heavenly Father for strength and guidance. Every trial a missionary faces is to bless others. As a family, we see the blessings of Elder Hefner's missionary service on a daily basis.

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