Monday, June 15, 2015

Kill your Goliath and keep going...

Mom THIS IS YOU. AND MY REACTION EVERY TIME I GET A PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL The cartoon was from the brother of Sister Reynolds, Ryan!! That book of cartoons REALLY helps on the hard days! lol

Taught by one of our investigators

Ok so this week I learned a very powerful lesson from a person who I least expected to learn it from... I have been thrown temptation after temptation and honestly it is EXHAUSTING. If you thought Satan was a jerk before try serving a mission... It is no joke. I personally believe that We are all soldiers in God's Army and that is what I want to share about today. As I sat in a family home evening at The Cruz Home I listened to a message for an hour from ONE OF OUR INVESTIGATORS. He was teaching the story of David and Goliath. I sat there and learned as if I was back in Sister Groves CTR 8 Primary class all over again. It is amazing how quickly one can forget such an amazing and empowering story. He had the intent on teaching the children but in reality he taught me exactly what I needed to do. He even said ¨I don´t know why I chose this topic but I know someone here needs it tonight.¨  He continued ¨ The Goliaths of this world are all around us and they don´t attack with physical Spears but with Directness at our minds.¨ He then literally said the exact problem I was having and laid it flat out and clear that is was my Goliath. SO Everytime I see temptation I now have a sling in my hand and I just pretend to throw a stone at it. It isn't important if it´s ugly music, women or The Word of Wisdom. It works for all of it. Just sling a stone. Kill your Goliath and keep going. It´s funny this whole time it feels like I was more in the shoes of the Army of Israel than in the Shoes of David. My favorite scripture in the Bible is found in 2nd Timothy Chapter 2 verses 3 through 4. It says ¨3 Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 4 No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.¨

I truly believe that the Missionaries are on the front line taking the battle to Satan head on. In the words of Elder Holland ¨If you want to Punch Satan in the Mouth, PREACH THE GOSPEL¨ We are doing exactly that and he IS NOT HAPPY. We can´t afford to entangle ourselves with the things of this world. WE MUST ¨STAND IN HOLY PLACES AND BE NOT MOVED. ¨ Even if that means running to find one or BEING the cause of that place being holy. We need not fear brothers and sisters. If we are earnestly seeking to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as restored through his prophet Joseph Smith we are on the winning side. We have one who leads the charge. One who knows every sin ever felt and every temptation ever faced, even our Eternal Captain Jesus The Christ. He leads his Army and their will NEVER be a trumpet that sounds retreat. In the Sacred name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Elder Hefner

Some things never change

And I HAVE BEEN COOKING A LOT... I made fried burritos for 25 people ... ALL OUR INVESTIGATORS in a certain area and they all loved it!... And I made the Zone Fajitas today... Well I should say you did... Sorry I spent like 40 dollars on it all but it really is helping with our goal of Zone Unity and with our investigators!


Now I am hungry for fried burritos.... lol LIKE REAL FIRED BURRITOS.... MAMA STYLE!!! With REAL SALSA AND SOUR CREAM.... OH I AM DROOLING lol 

I am just excited about the Title TIO TIM!!!! I have to go now... Some lady just asked me to help her translate something into English! AN OFFICIAL DOCUMENT... lol and I WILL. The scripture is Jacob Chapter 2 ! Especially about money!! LOVE YOU!!!

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