Oh this is my area!!!! This is from the top of the new house we will be moving into!!
More promptings...
My E-mail to Elder Hefner last week started like this:
My dear Elder Hefner (Son),
OH MY GOSH 6 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing how time flies when you are busy doing the work of the Lord!! I am so proud of you son. We are receiving so many blessings thanks to your hard work. So how are you feeling? What happened this week? Last Thursday I was in the office and I felt something was wrong with you and distinctly felt I had to put your name in the Temple. Your dad and I said a prayer after I texted him and we put your name in. I was not feeling peace and your dad gave me a blessing. So what happened?
Actually a week of miracles
Ok so the words ¨Trial of your faith¨ mean something completely different to me now. This week was a BRUTAL ONE. It started out with my thumb getting slammed in the door of the ruta (Taxi) It cut down pretty deep and i had blood pouring everywhere. Everybody in the street came to help though! The bandaged me up and sent me on my way. I bruised my bone really good too but I am incredibly blessed that it didn't break! After that I got food poisoning again... for the 210847104 time. Luckily the good old missionary remedy works... Pepto and Gatorade! Then it was just Satan attacking NONSTOP. I hadn't slept either for about 5 days out of the 7. Needless to say I was cracking a little... It is very tough living with sin around you 24 hours a day without being able to go to the temple... Although I had three experiences during the week that truly helped. The first was during a lesson. I just couldn't feel the Spirit and was SO out of it. I said just a really pathetic pleading prayer of help and half way through the lesson I got my answer. I felt a tug on my shirt at the bottom of my sleeve. I looked around to see which kid had pulled on it only to remember that These people had no children in the house. In that moment I knew IMMEDIATELY that Abuelo was there just trying to keep me going. The second experience was when I got the letters from the Bohman family. Hearing from Lane especially really moved me beyond what I could describe. It was such a blessing to hear from my brother again. After that Bishop wrote me that Steven Svedin´s bishop wrote him telling him he is starting his papers to serve a mission!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!! WOW What a blessing!! The last blessing happened last night. We held an activity for the zone... like a zone family home evening. We did a game night. It was a suggestion from Elder Cornish the Area president. I bought the Cake and drinks and we also helped supply the games. We shared a short mensaje (message) and went to work. WE HAD 14 OF OUR INVESTIGATORS SHOW UP. Hermano Cruz our ward mission leader (Who is a good friend of Brother Sterling) picked them up in his truck from the farthest boundaries of the ward in our area. The rest walked. We then rode back home with them after the activity in the back sitting on top of all the produce! HAHA TALK ABOUT A MIRACLE! I will be going up there again Friday but instead I am making fried Burritos for everyone!!! This should be fun!
Our district!
Mom and Dad...I am really losing myself to this work... I can´t even explain how much I love the people here.. I have been praying every night and day for Charity ¨ The pure love of Christ¨ and the Lord has really shown me the first fruits of this attribute. I really would give anything to help these people come to know the truth. We walk in the pouring rain, in the mud, in the scorching sun, completely sick, and teaching in a language I don´t know; but in the end it really doesn't matter. When we sit down in a lesson and they say to us ¨I don´t know a lot about your message but I feel Really good every time you brothers come over¨ It makes EVERYTHING worth it.
One of the daughters of our investigators... She is honestly GLUED TO ME. It was her 6th birthday and they are SO beyond poor.. So We bought them ALL giant pieces of cake!!! YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THEIR FACES!!!!!! IT WAS AMAZING!!!
and I built the Monument here in Santiago to help one of our investigators with her homework... I don´t think it is cheating... She used the resources of the Lord so I think it is fair lol
Spray Painting the Monument!! I had to take my tie off to not ruin it... I feel like I look a lot like dad here!!
Oh your scripture is my favorite book in the bible!!! 1 Peter.... READ IT ALL AND STUDY HARD!!! IT IS AMAZING!!!!! Ok I will! I have to go though! I love you mama!!
The First Epistle General ofPeter
- Chapter 1
- The trial of our faith precedes salvation—Christ was foreordained to be the Redeemer.
- Chapter 2
- Converts are newborn babes in Christ—He is the chief cornerstone—Saints hold a royal priesthood and are a peculiar people—Saints are in subjection to the laws of man.
- Chapter 3
- Husbands and wives should honor each other—Saints should live by gospel standards—Christ preached to the spirits in prison.
- Chapter 4
- Peter explains why the gospel is preached to the dead—Saints should speak as the oracles of God—The righteous will be tried and tested in all things.
- Chapter 5
- The elders are to feed the flock of God—Humility and godly graces lead to perfection.
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