Me with Elder Martinez of the 70 and his wife who reminds me SO MUCH of MOM! WOW she can give a strong boche IGUAL QUE ELLA!!! jajaja Pero claro con mucho amor! (same as her!!! lol But of course with lots of love)
Hey Mom!! Well everything is going really well.. So Well that we haven't hardly stopped to take a breather in the last week!!! LOL We have had amazing meetings with Elder Martinez and in one of them he commended me for an Idea given to help out struggling wards... So I have good news!!! I am being seen by the BEST internist Doctor in the Country! He is actually world known and the best part is... He's a member and one of my greatest friends... He saw me this morning and took WELL over an hour to go over ALL of my problems and Diagnosed me in one shot! HE HAD A HUGE LINE waiting outside... He truly is a genius with photographic memory... But the thing that gave me the most assurance is that he TRULY has a POWERFUL Spirit and gives his all the the Lord and His Church. I knew immediately that everything he said was true and that the tests I took began to confirm them... The Lord sent me here for a reason. ! I will be taking more test in the next 2 days and we should have a plan of attack by next Monday on how to treat everything!!
FAMILY PHOTO!! My Son and daughter in the Mission!
Yes he is acutally a Blood doctor and internist... he asked several questions but he knew EXACTLY what was going on... I did the Sonogram today and I have 6 stones and a Polip in my Gaulbladder... I am on a INCREDIBLY strict diet... That's one of the few problems I have...
REUNITED ONCE AGAIN!!! with Elder Laureano
I will be taking more tests during the week but I am basically allowed to eat Roots, whole grain bread, Papaya, Chunk tuna, rice and that is basically it... LOL
Me making Sofrito from Scratch!
Bueno no hemos podido predicar mucho por TODAS las reuniones que hemos tenido pero uno de los grandes es que Rafelina acepto una fecha bautismal y también que El Presidente de Estaca y La Patriarca estuvieron conmigo hoy en La Hospital para verme... Me mostraron un apoyo TAN GRANDE y mucho amor... También una familia nueva nos contacto!! NOS CONTACTARON en la calle... Nos gritaron Y CUANDO USTEDES VAN A PREDICAR AQUÍ?!!! Con gusto fuimos para predicar el próximo día cuando toda la familia estaba y aceptaron bautizarse este misma lección!!!! Well, we have not being able to teach due to ALL the meetings that we had but one of the great miracles is that Rafelina accepted a baptism date and also The Stake President and the Patriarch came to see me at the hospital today. They showed me so HUGE support and great love.... Also a new family contacted us. THEY CONTACTED us in the street... they yelled at us "WHEN ARE YOU GUYS GOING TO TEACH HERE?!!! We went happily the following day when the entire family was there and they accepted to be baptized during the same lesson!!!
Me and Elder Sheffield!
bueno Yo Aprendi El amor de Presidente Castillo por nosotos... ERA TAN INCREIBLE.. aun Elder Martinez dio testimonio de su amor y de Hermana Castillo. (well I learned of how much President Castillo loves us...IT IS INCREDIBLE..even Elder Martinez gave a testimony of the great love President Castillo and Hermana Castillo have for us.)
Made my comp and the nieghboors fried Burritos... MMMM |
Made Grandma's Hot Dog Casserole for my comp... He was so happy! |
PERO (BUT) I need to go!!! I love you mom and dad!! HURRAH FOR ISRAEL!!!!
Elder Hefner