Got a call at 7 am to help move a truck load of dirt before our zone meeting at 9 am.... The zone meeting was an hour away in bus so we moved it all in an hour!! Using a tiny shovel and a paint bucket........ TALK ABOUT ROUGH hahaha but the Lord was merciful and sent a Wheelbarrel after 45 minutes !
Hey mama! How´s Lilly??? Are the boys (the dogs) adjusted to her yet???
Yea I love the pictures... WOW MARY LOOKS SO OLD! And I already know you made dad Lasagna... I MISS IT SO MUCH lol
Burrito night???? IT WAS AMAZING!! WE SAW SO MANY MIRACLES BECAUSE OF IT!!!! THE WARD CAME TO LIFE... And I have now been officially invited to cook in half the member homes... They all say I am getting married the minute I get home... Kevin wants to open up a business with them... I told him the Idea was Copyrighted LOL
I taught a lesson. It was a talk by President Faust in the Liahona from August... It is called Feed My Sheep.. It talks about our responsibilities as members of the church for the people we teach.. This Sunday the Bishopric was all in suits at church before 8:45! The testimony meeting had EVERYONE in tears because the Spirit was so strong. Kelvin bore his testimony for the first time... WOW that was powerful. He was the one most touched by our message. Then we had our first ward council in 5 months... Also the Chapel was full to the brim of people... It was incredible .. Lol now I am saying the secret to teaching is The Spirit and Fried Burritos...I am cooking again on Saturday for a few less actives we have ... I think it is going to be awesome!
Actually this was the talk.... Share it with everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of Lambs and Sheep
By President James E. Faust (1920–2007)
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
By President James E. Faust (1920–2007)
Second Counselor in the First Presidency
Photograph by Suren Manvelyan/ Thinkstock
When I was a very small boy, my father found a lamb all alone out in the desert. The herd of sheep to which its mother belonged had moved on, and somehow the lamb got separated from its mother, and the shepherd must not have known that it was lost. Because it could not survive alone in the desert, my father picked it up and brought it home. To have left the lamb there would have meant certain death, either by falling prey to the coyotes or by starvation because it was so young that it still needed milk. Some sheepmen call these lambs “bummers.” My father gave the lamb to me and I became its shepherd.
For several weeks I warmed cow’s milk in a baby’s bottle and fed the lamb. We became fast friends. I called him Nigh—why I don’t remember. It began to grow. My lamb and I would play on the lawn. Sometimes we would lie together on the grass and I would lay my head on its soft, woolly side and look up at the blue sky and the white billowing clouds. I did not lock my lamb up during the day. It would not run away. It soon learned to eat grass. I could call my lamb from anywhere in the yard by just imitating as best I could the bleating sound of a sheep: Baa. Baa.
One night there came a terrible storm. I forgot to put my lamb in the barn that night as I should have done. I went to bed. My little friend was frightened in the storm, and I could hear it bleating. I knew that I should help my pet, but I wanted to stay safe, warm, and dry in my bed. I didn’t get up as I should have done. The next morning I went out to find my lamb dead. A dog had also heard its bleating cry and killed it. My heart was broken. I had not been a good shepherd or steward of that which my father had entrusted to me. My father said, “Son, couldn’t I trust you to take care of just one lamb?” My father’s remark hurt me more than losing my woolly friend. I resolved that day, as a little boy, that I would try never again to neglect my stewardship as a shepherd if I were ever placed in that position again. …
After more than sixty years, I can still hear in my mind the bleating, frightened cry of the lamb of my boyhood that I did not shepherd as I should have. I can also remember the loving rebuke of my father: “Son, couldn’t I trust you to take care of just one lamb?” If we are not good shepherds, I wonder how we will feel in the eternities.
From James E. Faust, “Responsibilities of Shepherds,” Ensign, May, 1995, 46, 48.
Sorry we lost internet in the other Internet place and had to hop a ruta to another one but I only have enough time to say Bye... Put the message from James E. Faust on the blog please... It says enough...Love you guys... Sorry... I tried to go fast but these 1992 Hondas only go so fast.... Tell Ganne and Ben that I am praying for them...
Talk to you next week! Time to go preach!!
Elder Hefner
Gotta see Hermana Bonilla from my old District... Technically we are Siblings in the mission (Had the same ¨Dad¨) lol |
Found a reused tithing envelope in the envelope stack...... EW lol
New Restaurant!!! We eat Rice Beans and meat EVERYDAY... But these beans had a little more flavor lol
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